molten salt reactor
A reactor with eight patents
The Stellarium runs smoothly and quietly, even in harsh conditions. This is thanks to the use of molten salts as fuel.
With four containment barriers and an underground installation, the Stellarium is the safest reactor on the market under all circumstances.
High-efficiency electric production
Every industry is different, and every solution must be different, too. This is why the Stellarium produces both electricity and heat. One of the most efficient turbines on the market converts high-temperature heat into electricity. While the EPR achieves an efficiency of 37%, the Stellarium reaches 45%!
Power output
A pair of Stellarium provides enough energy to supply electricity to a city of 400,000 inhabitants.
It can also provide 800 MWth of steam at 600 degrees to power a factory.
2 x 180 MWe
20 years
Sustainable energy
Stellarium produces energy for 20 years in complete autonomy without recharging. It's energy return rate is colossal: it exceeds 200, where shale oil only reaches a maximum of 15.
5000 years
Energy sovereignty
In France alone, we have almost 5,000 years worth of uranium and plutonium reserves from spent nuclear fuel. It's a gold mine that the Stellarium will be able to exploit.
Highly dispatchable
One of the features of the Stellarium is its ability to complement the energies already mobilized in our energy mix. It fits in between intermittent energies on the one hand, and large national power plants on the other. It can go from 0 to 100% production in 3 minutes, and vice-versa. Flexible, it can shut down very quickly, providing an additional level of safety.
30% / min
Atmospheric pressure
A low-pressure operation for maximum safety
Great stability
A liquid fuel that frees it from the mechanical constraints of a solid fuel
Installing the reactor several metres underground to provide failproof protection against earthquakes and overhead winds
Dispatching simplified
Reactor power self-adapts to demand: under the effect of heat, the liquid fuel expands, slowing down the reaction
Durable design
The building blends into its industrial environment, while all reactor components are easily replaceable
Sûreté par conception
Système passif et basse pression
Opérabilité Simplifiée
Aucune partie mobile en coeur
Composants sur étagère
Pour la partie conventionnelle