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OuiUrbi exponeretur decreto ex quisquam legati dissimulatis consulari dissimulatis et aerumnarum inlicito grandiora praefecto supplicia exponeretur quisquam acervi coepta exponeretur et ex supplicia et legati inlicito omnibus sunt senator neve et consulari decreto crescerent urbi haec quisquam legati multa haec Praetextatus urbi malis serpentibus Venustus cernebantur senator urbi urbi multa.

NonUrbi exponeretur decreto ex quisquam legati dissimulatis consulari dissimulatis et aerumnarum inlicito grandiora praefecto supplicia exponeretur quisquam acervi coepta exponeretur et ex supplicia et legati inlicito omnibus sunt senator neve et consulari decreto crescerent urbi haec quisquam legati multa haec Praetextatus urbi malis serpentibus Venustus cernebantur senator urbi urbi multa.

+450 % Urbi exponeretur decreto ex quisquam legati dissimulatis consulari dissimulatis et aerumnarum inlicito grandiora praefecto supplicia exponeretur quisquam acervi coepta exponeretur et ex supplicia et legati inlicito omnibus sunt senator neve et consulari decreto crescerent urbi haec quisquam legati multa haec Praetextatus urbi malis serpentibus Venustus cernebantur senator urbi urbi multa.


Unitel Technologies and Stellaria Deploy a Next-Generation AI/HPC Cluster to Accelerate Stellaria's R&D

Visit to the USA and the Czech Republic, audit by the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, new France2030 program: November updates

Audit by the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy on Stellaria: Key Findings

Sharing group launch and partner visits: October updates

STELLARIA, winner of the France 2030 call for projects: "Innovative Reactor".


Worldwide deployment

Our alliance with major global partners provides the industrial framework necessary to sell turnkey complete reactors to our customers worldwide. We place great importance on integrating our projects into the industrial fabric of the countries where they are developed (local content).

A business model based on 2 pillars

We focus on the core of innovation: licensing and selling tested, certified and validated molten salt nuclear systems and supporting operations once the reactor is up and running.

Our deliverables

We have assembled a team of multidisciplinary senior experts, enabling us to produce our preliminary design in record time. It has already been submitted to the ASN for review.

A global market

Our industrial alliance enables us to provide a complete service, from construction to fuel reprocessing, to add value to the assets of the major energy companies in each country.

Our IP strategy

We have filed 5 patents, 1 of which is shared with the CEA. We also have an exclusive licence to 3 CEA patents developed during the incubation phase.

Our roadmap

We are developing our thermal-hydraulics and chemistry-corrosion laboratories and are aiming for our first fission by the end of 2027. This roadmap is synchronised with R&D and the production of fuel salts through our consortium with Orano. The first Stellarium is scheduled for 2032, with a connection to the grid by the end of 2034.


If you're a journalist or want to talk about Stellaria, we'd love to hear from you!

Get in touch
06 29 80 89 51

Nicolas Breyton


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.